Every Czech produces an average of half a ton of waste every year. In producing waste, Czechs belong to the European average, six out of 10 Czech residents also sort all their waste at home.
Collection of municipal waste
Municipal waste collection is provided by FCC Česká republika, s.r.o. It is mainly sorted paper, glass, plastic and mixed municipal waste.
FCC processes separated municipal waste from coloured containers on sorting lines - e.g. in Prague Ďáblice, Úholičky near Kralupy n. Vltavou or Lovosice. The treated waste from these lines is handed over for subsequent recycling. However, there remains a certain proportion of waste that is not suitable for further economic processing. However, they still have potential for energy recovery, which is higher in the waste management hierarchy than simple landfilling. These include mixed municipal waste, residues from sorting of separated municipal waste, contaminated waste that does not allow material recovery and some waste from the industrial and trade sector that cannot be recycled mainly because of its composition (e.g. waste composite materials). Energy from waste is considered an alternative source of energy. It is affordable and partly renewable. Energy recovery offers a solution for its safe treatment while eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from landfills and from the use of fossil fuels. The use of waste for energy production can make a significant contribution to meeting the demand for energy that is not dependent on coal, oil and natural gas.