Announced by ACS director for 9–13 October 2023, the elections took place at all dormitories with the exception of the Kounicova dormitory, currently closed for two-year renovations. The dormitory at Tvrdého appointed its members during additional elections on 6–10 November.
The two dormitories in Komárov failed to elect their councils, just like in the previous academic year. “In spite of repeated invitations and offers the Bří. Žurků and Sladkého dormitories did not have any students running,” SKM director Kamil Kulíšek explains, adding that all new members have already met for their first Teams meeting at the end of November.
There are many benefits attached to the membership in the dormitory council. Students can actively participate in the operations of their dormitory, and they are privy to details on the operations of dormitories and canteens earlier than the rest of the student body. They can submit their ideas for the improvement of the conditions at dormitories and, as council members, they can expect to be staying at the dormitory for the entire academic year.
Please find below the certification of the results of the first and second round of the elections.