Canteen FEd

Poříčí 7/9, 603 00 Brno

The canteen of Faculty of Education is located in the building of the Faculty of Education at Poříčí 7/9. The canteen provides catering for students, university staff and the public.

Aktuální jídelníček

About Canteen FSc


  • serving of ready meals
  • selection of short order dishes
  • sale of an additional range of salads, fruits, desserts, and cold dishes

You can find the current menu via WebKredit or on your mobile in MobilKredit.

Barrier-Free Access

Canteen FEd is accessible via the main entrance from the park within the Pedagogical Faculty complex. A dedicated wheelchair ramp has been installed, allowing for easy access to the dining area.

There are two ways to enter the park:

  • From Poříčí 7 Street – Access is available via the staff entrance, where an elevator leads to the main faculty building. After exiting at the designated floor, visitors can proceed to the park and use the wheelchair platform.
  • Through the main gate from Ypsilantiho Street – There is an entrance at the new Art Department building. After ringing the doorbell, entry to the park is granted, from which the canteen is easily accessible.


For more information regarding barrier-free access to canteen, please contact the head of catering operations.


Opening hours

Monday–Thursday 11:00 am - 15:00 pm
Friday 11:00 am - 14:30 pm

The temporary change in operating hours is always stated in the news.


Head of catering operations
549 49 8621


Location and transport links

  • Address: Poříčí 7/9, 603 00 Brno
  • Stop: Poříčí

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