Komárov Sladkého halls of residence

Sladkého 537/13, 617 00 Brno

The dormitories are located in the Komárov halls of residence (Bří Žůrků, Sladkého) in a quiet location in the southern part of Brno. The shopping and entertainment centres of Olympia and Avion are close to the Komárov complex. There is also the possibility of sport activities - bike paths, playgrounds, swimming pools biotop.


About Sladkého halls of residence

Dormitory of Sladkého is available for long-term accommodation. The dormitory is located in the city district of Brno-South and is well accessible from the main railway station and from the city center of Brno.


  • Accommodation capacity: 432 beds
  • Room composition:
    • Single room in cubicle or separate (126 rooms) 
    • Double room in cubicle or separate (153 rooms)
  • WiFi eduroam is available in each room.
  • Kitchenettes and showers are shared on each floor.


The halls of residence site and service

  • In the building you can use the laundry, lounge and TV room.
Price list

Complete Dormitory price list for the academic year 2024/2025, valid from 1 February 2025

Sladkého dormitory is available only for long-term accommodation.

Surrounding the Campus
  • Shopping and entertainment centres Olympia and Avion are located near the Komárov.
  • There is also the possibility of sports near the halls of residence– bike paths, playgrounds, swimming pools.


Reception 549 49 2725
Head of accommodation operation 549 49 2724
Person in charge of accommodation 549 49 7535
(blok A)
E-mail koleje.komarov@skm.muni.cz


Halls of residence location and transport connection

  • Address: Sladkého 537/13, 617 00 Brno
  • Stop: Komárov, Černovická
    bus č. 40, 48, 49, 50, 63, 67 

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