Problems? Dormitory councils can help
Preferential treatment in applying for dormitories or advance information on the operation of the dormitories and canteens; those are just two of the benefits of membership in dormitory councils. The Accommodation and Catering Services will announce new elections within days of the start of the new academic year.
Last year dormitory councils were elected for all three buildings at Vinařská, after years of unsuccessful attempts. The dormitories at Mánesova, Klácelova, Veveří and náměstí Míru also had their representatives appointed; the Tvrdého dormitory required a second try in the form of extraordinary elections.
The dormitories at Bří. Žurků and Sladkého in Komárov have not had their respective councils for quite some time now due to the lack of candidates.
The councils represent students vis-à-vis the management of ACS and the university as such, and meetings are held on a regular basis. “Being able to influence the operation of dormitories through the councils is amazing. It is an important form of feedback and an opportunity to become the voice of students in direct and open communication with the management,” says head of the dormitory council at Klácelova Andrej Šimurka, currently in his last year at the Faculty of Informatics.
Liaison between the management and residents
Dormitory councils, which typically have three members, serve as a liaison between students and ACS. Council members can request from ACS relevant information on organisational matters concerning the particular dormitory, or to coordinate with the management of ACS with regard to student complaints. On the other hand, they are privy to information on renovations, repairs or restrictions, price changes or the operation of the dormitory ahead of everyone else.
The rights and obligations of members of dormitory councils are stipulated by the Electoral Rules and the Rules of Procedure for Representation of Residents of MU Dormitories. “The members of dormitory councils meet with the management of ACS on a regular basis. They have early access to all relevant information. They also serve as contact persons for the residents of their respective dormitories whenever there is an improvement opportunity or an issue to be resolved,” says Head of Accommodation of ACS Renata Pavlicová.
Go for it!
Based on their own experience, all heads of dormitory councils strongly recommend greater involvement in the operation of dormitories. “Don’t be afraid and go for it. It is an amazing experience and an opportunity to improve people skills and problem-solving skills. You will meet many people and it is a good feeling to be useful,” Šimurka explains.
The management of ACS will announce the elections within four days of the commencement of the current academic year. The date of the election is announced on the website of ACS and on the physical notice boards at the dormitories at least two weeks before the actual elections.
The acting dormitory council is in charge of the organisation of the elections via the acceptance of applications from candidates and the procedure as such. If a dormitory does not have an acting council from the previous academic year the accommodation management of ACS will organise the elections.