Information about instructions for boarding accommodation at MU dormitories
Information about instructions for boarding accommodation at MU dormitories...
Arrange accommodation for one or two semesters at one of the MU dormitories.
The check-in is possible from the agreed start of accommodation according to the accommodation contract.
In halls of residence with a non-stop reception service, it is possible to check in at anytime.
In halls of residence without non-stop reception service, it is possible to check in during working days from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. by accommodation provider or from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. on the reception, during weekend only from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. on the reception.
When boarding, the student is required to provide proof of identity (ID card, passport), ISIC card (first-year students may submit their ISIC card at a later date), and complete and sign the registration card.
The allocated bed can be cancelled by sending an e-mail including a request of booking cancellation to: Providing the request is received by 31st August at the latest, the booking deposit will be returned to SUPO. The deposit becomes non-refundable after this date.
The student who has signed the accommodation contract and paid the reservation deposit has a bed booked until 16th September 2024. At halls of residence with no permanent reception service (Tvrdého, nám. Míru, Mánesova, Klácelova and Veveří) checking in is possible only on working days from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. When checking in later then on 16th September 2024, it is necessary to request an extension of the reservation by sending an e-mail to: including the date of checking in. If you make a reservation, the accommodation fee is paid from the first day of the accommodation contract (compensation for the later arrival).
Unfortunately, this is not possible due to organizational reasons. It is necessary to check in more than 3,000 students within 2 days. If you find out about any problem, defect or flaw, please, sort it out immediately with the accommodation provider/receptionist of the relevant halls of residence. Providing you find the allocated bed inconvenient for any reason, it is possible, within the limits of the dormitory, to negotiate an exchange.