Accommodation in dormitories for semester or year

Arrange accommodation for one or two semesters at one of the MU dormitories.   

Booking of long-term accommodation

How to book a dormitory?

A bed reservation at MU Halls of residence is to be submitted electronically by means of the ISKaM Accommodation System according to the current available capacity.

In the case of mixed couples, reservations are made by the person in charge of the respective dormitories according to a written request from the couples.

open ISKaM

After having booked a bed, it is necessary to electronically sign the accommodation contract and pay the reservation deposit of 2000 CZK + 30times the daily rate of the dormitory fee. The deposit is due within 5 days of the reservation. There is not the same due date for everybody! If the reservation deposit is not settled on the due date and the contract is not signed, the reservation of a bed may be cancelled.

Reservation dates

Reservations of students entering the first year of all levels of study

Students entering the 1st year of all stages of study can reserve a bed only after enrolment for study, where they receive the login information (“UČO” university number of person and password) needed for login to the ISKAM accommodation system. You cannot book dormitories before enrolling!

Reservations will start according to the following schedule:

4th August – 15th August – commencement on 4th August at 10:00 a.m.

active students of future first years of all studies of the Czech Republic, Slovakia – only for MU students – online reservation

From 1st September – commencement at 10:00 a.m.– until capacity is exhausted

reservation of available beds – submitting a written application by email to the person in charge of the relevant dormitory

A complete overview and information about the schedule of reservations and accommodation can be found in the document SKM MU Director's Guideline No. 5/2019: Schedule of Reservations and Accommodation in University Dormitories of MU.

Reservations of higher-grade students

Students of higher grades book their beds in the period from 5th May to 23rd May as scheduled. Only students currently studying at MU (active students) can book a bed.

Reservations will start according to the following schedule:

5th May – 15th May – commencement
on 5th May at 10:00 a.m.

currently accommodated active students, only their current bed can be booked – only for MU students – online booking

mixed couples – only for MU students - submitting a written application to your existing bed by email to the person in charge of the relevant dormitory

16th May – 23rd May – commencement
on 16th May at 10:00 a.m.

currently accommodated active students, any available bed can be booked – only for MU students – online booking

mixed couples – only for MU students - submitting a written application by email to the person in charge of the relevant dormitory

A complete overview and information about the schedule of reservations and accommodation can be found in the document SKM MU Director's Guideline No. 5/2019: Schedule of Reservations and Accommodation in University Dormitories of MU.

Reservation of Erasmus and English Programmes students

Reservation of Erasmus and English Programmes students with permanent residence outside the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republic, for whom reserved beds are in accordance with the Rules Art. 3, par. 1b) will be launched on 14th July at 10:00 a.m. on schedule.

The bed can be reserved until the capacity of the Halls of residence is exhausted.

14th July – 25th July – commencement on 14th July at 10:00 a.m.

active Erasmus and Degree students – only for MU students – online reservation

A complete overview and information about the schedule of reservations and accommodation can be found in the document SKM MU Director's Guideline No. 5/2019: Schedule of Reservations and Accommodation in University Dormitories of MU.

Reservations of currently not accommodated students (exchange study programs)

Reservations of students who are currently not accommodated and will be participating in an exchange study program during the spring semester 2025 will begin on 26th May 2025 at 10:00 a.m. via email.

The bed can be reserved until the capacity of the Halls of residence is exhausted.

26th May – 6th June – commencement on 26th May at 10:00 a.m.

active MU students participating in exchange study programs – reservation via email sent to the accommodation assistant of the relevant dormitory

A complete overview and information about the schedule of reservations and accommodation can be found in the document SKM MU Director's Guideline No. 5/2019: Schedule of Reservations and Accommodation in University Dormitories of MU.

Important information

Important information and booking conditions

  • The accommodation start date can be set according to the student's request in the reservation system between 1st September and 15th September 2025.
  • The end date of the contract can be set as you choose, the minimum length of accommodation is 3 months, maximum until 30th June 2026.
  • The accommodation contract may be extended during the accommodation in case of spare capacity. The accommodation can be terminated early by giving one month's notice.
  • Booking a mixed room (male/female) is only possible via the accommodation provider of the relevant dormitory and only individual twin rooms can be booked before the capacity runs out during the official reservation dates.
  • After having booked a particular bed, students are obliged to read the Accommodation Contract and confirm their agreement electronically. The Accommodation Contract will be confirmed electronically by the accommodation provider. Contracts are confirmed only electronically.
  • The reservation of the bed can be cancelled by the student in writing no later than one day before the beginning of their accommodation per the valid accommodation contract by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address of the person in charge of the relevant dormitory in which the reservation is made. After confirmation by SKM that the reservation has been cancelled, the reservation bond will be unblocked to the student’s SUPO account, from where the student can transfer it to his or her bank account.
  • For all reservations, the residence fee is valid from the date of the agreed start of accommodation according to the accommodation contract.
  • If the student does not send a written notice in advance about their later arrival according to the accommodation contract, the accommodation contract terminates and the reservation deposit is fully forfeited.

A complete overview and information about the schedule of reservations and accommodation can be found in the document SKM MU Director's Guideline No. 5/2019: Schedule of Reservations and Accommodation in University Dormitories of MU.

Who is the dormitory accomodation for?

Accommodation in the university dormitories of Masaryk University is provided primarily for:

  • MU full-time students
  • students studying at the university as part of exchange study stays and short-term internships
  • Foundation Programme full-time students

Accommodation is preferentially booked by students who are currently accommodated in MU university dormitories.

In case of free capacity accommodation is provided to:

  • MU students
  • students of other universities
  • other people interested in accommodation in university dormitories

For details see the document University Residence Hall Housing Policy at MU Halls of Residence (Czech only).


Can I book a bed before I enrol for studies?

Unfortunately not. To be able to book a bed, you need an UČO number and a password, which you will be given when enrolling.

I am going to interrupt/change/finish my current studies and go on to study at a different faculty/a different subject in autumn. Will it affect my reservation/ will my reservation be cancelled?

Interrupting/changing studies has no effect on the reservation. If your SUPO account expires because of interrupting your studies, it will become active again once you resume your studies. Your SUPO account can be deactivated for up to three months - if the interruption of your studies lasts longer, send an email with the request to extend the validity of SUPO to

Can I stay at the halls of residence with my boyfriend/girlfriend in a double room? How should I procede, should I fill out a form?

You do not need to fill out any form. Send your request by e-mail to the accommodation assistant of the relevant dormitory on the date designated for mixed couples, which you can find in the reservation schedule. In the application, do not forget to state the UČO of both persons and the period for which you want to book. The shortest possible stay is 3 months. Reservations are only possible for a separate double room. There are only a limited number of individual rooms in some dormitories. It is not possible to edit the room booking (e.g. changing the date of arrival/departure) electronically in mixed rooms. Any changes have to be arranged with the accommodation assistant of the respective dormitory.

I am leaving for Erasmus in summer. Can I sign the contract for a period shorter than one year?

Yes, you can. Minimum contract duration is 3 months. Accommocation contract can be prolonged a month before the intended termination at the latest. Early termination of the contract can only be done by filling out a form with a one months' notice.

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